Current work

Exhibition Notice. April 2019

Howard turned eighty on the 1st of January (2019). This exhibition is part celebration. The whole house and studio is filled with his works, a fair proportion of which are recent or older, unseen pieces.
Please get in touch if you wish to make an appointment to view the show.

Looking for an Exhibition Space. Autumn 2018

Howard is looking for an exhibition space, preferably in London, to put on a large show of current and older, but relevant work. Other possible locations could be near Bognor Regis, Chichester, Arundel or Brighton.
Some current themes are: 'The Industry of Pleasure'; 'Sleeping by the Telly'; 'Aero Club - The Delight of Flight'.
I mean, also, to show works outside these themes, which somehow seem relevant.

'Rhyming Carplates' in book form

Double-image montages of a car-wreck lamenting voyeurism

This is the front cover design for 'Rhyming Carplates'. Eerily pognant almost accidentally obtained double images of a car-wreck resting on a river bank. These evoked reflections on death, art and our morbid voyeurism. A full preview and possibility of purchase is available on

Moments en Route now published

A series of images illustrating surprising awakenings when travelling by road

My new book, well in fact on-going since 1968, is now available (May 2018) from A full preview can be seen there along with that of my other two publications:
'In the Fold of the Canvas' and 'Rhyming Carplates'

September 2016 Show (continued)

Our show went well. We had more visitors than we could have expected with only a small amount of publicity. Although, we were helped by two articles in the Bognor Regis Post with good photographic coverage. In all, we had more than 80 visitors, more than half of which were local people, unknown to us, who had read the articles. The rest, predictably, were friends and family, some travelling hundreds of miles. Attached are some general views of the show in which we used almost every space in the house and adjoining working areas.

September 2016 Show

Our open studio show went well. We showed a rich mixture of works dating from as early as 1958 to the present day.

Oscar's show August 2015

This was in an unlikely venue: A gallery above a pub in the countryside of Cambridgeshire. It is run by people, who are, or are supporters of, artists. It was surprisingly lively and well attended.

Oscar's On-going Work (2014 plus)

Oscar continues with the project closest to his heart:
Live artworks at jazz dance events in London, elsewhere in the U.K. and latterly in Perpignan, France.
He puts on displays of his prints at the events, all of which are for sale.
More Later.

Group Show at Aldershot, Hampshire

Howard and Pauline contributed to a show with Guildford Art Perspective at the West End Centre, Aldershot in September 2015. The six core members each invited another artist to participate. This brought artists together from various parts of the UK and one from the USA. We had the use of the gallery for the whole month. My observation was that, although we come together to hang the show, there was little further exchange of ideas.


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