Current work

Pauline's Portrait Drawings

During the summer and early autumn of 2014, Pauline Farrington has been working on drawings of the youngest generation of Brian and Lise Croft's family.
Brian and Lise are loyal supporters and collectors of our work; Pauline had done drawings of the first generation of children back in the nineteen seventies.

In the Fold of the Canvas: the book

Howard's book, 'In the Fold of the Canvas' is available from They will show a preview of its contents.
N.B. It may be priced in Dollars, although it is available priced in Pounds.

CAMPING: An alternative mode of existence.
A series of artworks and commentary by the artist, including a full-length play text.

Show at University of Surrey

Pauline and Howard took part in an exhibition at the Lewis Elton Gallery, University of Surrey 2 -26 September 2013 entitled GAP NOW - Guildford Art Perspective Remembered.
This was a re-union of some of a group of artists who, from 1992 - 2001 campaigned to bring up to date general attitudes to visual art in Guildford. They ran exhibitions, artists' talks, created publications and issued newsletters. The group involved other, invited artists in these projects with a view to raising consciousness of these developments in art throughout the twentieth century.

Oscar's Mural Work in Austria

Oscar has completed a series of site-specific murals for Zeit!Raum, Vienna, who work with marginalized young people. The pictures are located at their lakeside language and learning resource centre at Drobollach am Faaker See, in the Austrian Alps.

Lottie's Progress

Lottie has been granted a place at Newbucks Univerity on the BA Hons Textiles and Surface Design course, starting Autumn 2013.


September 2012

Oscar Romp is still moving between England and Vienna, Austria, his daughter often accompanying.


September 2012

Oscar continues with his work in and of Club Dance Culture. Going on from his show earlier in the year at Blackhall Studios, London, he has been leading workshops in drawing related to dance, notably at the University of Birmingham.


September 2012

Pauline Farrington is continuing to work in clay. The image is of the first phase of 'Another Lovely Day', a piece inspired by everyday occurrences at our home in Bognor Regis.
It has developed into several, free-standing sections. She hopes they will all now fit into the kiln.


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